How to Create a Non-conformance Report and Why It Matters

ISO 45001 Lead Auditor Course in Saudi Arabia

In the field of occupational health and safety, ISO 45001 plays a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of employees and the effectiveness of safety management systems. As part of ISO 45001 lead auditor training in KSA, one important aspect to learn is how to create a non-conformance report (NCR). 

This article will provide a step-by-step guide on creating a non-conformance report and highlight its significance in maintaining workplace safety.

What is a Non-conformance Report?

A non-conformance report (NCR) is a formal document that records when something doesn't meet the expected standards. It's like a report card for identifying problems or mistakes and figuring out how to fix them. 

NCRs are important in ISO 45001 lead auditor training in KSA because they help organizations improve by highlighting areas where they need to make changes and do better.

The Purpose of Non-conformance Reports

The primary purpose of a non-conformance report is to address and rectify issues that hinder an organization's adherence to ISO 45001 standards. By documenting non-conformances, companies can:

  • Identify areas for improvement in their occupational health and safety management systems.
  • Facilitate corrective actions to rectify the identified non-conformances.
  • Maintain compliance with ISO 45001 requirements.
  • Enhance workplace safety and reduce risks to employees.
  • Develop a culture of accountability and continuous improvement. 

How to Create a Non-conformance Report

Creating a comprehensive and effective non-conformance report involves several steps. Let's walk through each stage of the process:

1: Identify the Non-conformance

The first step in creating a non-conformance report is to identify the non-conformance itself. This can be accomplished through a variety of means, including: 

  • Regular inspections
  • Audits
  • incident reports
  • Employee feedback

It is important to have a clear understanding of what constitutes a non-conformance in order to accurately identify and address the issue.

2: Gather Relevant Information

Once the non-conformance is identified, gather all the necessary information related to the incident. This may include: 

  • Photographs
  • Witness statements
  • Inspection records
  • Any other relevant documentation

The more comprehensive the information, the better equipped you will be to analyze the root cause and develop appropriate corrective actions.

Read more: Auditing Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment: ISO 45001 Lead Auditor Training in KSA

3: Document the Non-conformance

Next, document the non-conformance in detail within the non-conformance report. Include a concise description of the incident, including the following: 

  • Date
  • Time
  • Location
  • Individuals involved
  • Any specific circumstances surrounding the non-conformance

Use clear and concise language to ensure the report is easily understood by all stakeholders.

4: Analyze the Root Cause

Analyzing the root cause is a crucial step in preventing future non-conformances. Use investigative techniques like the "5 Whys" or the "Fishbone Diagram" to identify the underlying factors contributing to the non-conformance. 

By understanding the root cause, you can implement targeted corrective actions that address the core issue.

5: Develop Corrective Actions

Based on the root cause analysis, develop appropriate corrective actions to prevent the recurrence of the non-conformance. These actions should be: 

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound (SMART)

Assign responsibility for each action and establish clear timelines for completion.

6: Implement Corrective Actions

Implementing the corrective actions involves executing the planned measures to address the non-conformance. Communicate the actions to all relevant personnel and ensure they understand their roles and responsibilities. Monitor the progress of the implementation and provide support where necessary.

7: Monitor and Verify the Effectiveness

After implementing the corrective actions, monitor their effectiveness to ensure they are achieving the desired results. Regularly assess the situation to verify that the non-conformance has been adequately addressed and that the implemented actions are preventing its recurrence.

8: Close the Non-conformance

Once the corrective actions have proven to be effective and the non-conformance has been resolved, close the non-conformance report. 

Document the details of the actions taken, the results of the verification process, and any additional comments or observations. Closing the report signifies the successful resolution of the non-conformance.

Training and Support for Non-conformance Report Creation

Proper training and support are crucial for individuals involved in creating non-conformance reports. ISO 45001 lead auditor training in Saudi Arabia equips auditors with the necessary skills and knowledge to identify: 

  • Non-conformances accurately
  • Document them effectively
  • Propose appropriate corrective actions

Benefits of Creating Non-conformance Reports

Creating non-conformance reports offers several benefits for organizations. They provide a systematic approach to: 

  • Identifying and addressing safety issues
  • Improving workplace safety
  • Preventing future incidents

NCRs also help maintain compliance with ISO 45001 standards and demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement.

Learn more: The Importance of the PDCA Cycle in ISO 45001 Lead Auditor

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While creating non-conformance reports, it is important to be aware of common mistakes that can hinder their effectiveness. Some common mistakes to avoid include: 

  • Incomplete or inaccurate documentation
  • Lack of root cause analysis
  • Insufficient corrective actions
  • Failure to monitor the effectiveness of implemented measures

Being mindful of these pitfalls can enhance the quality and impact of non-conformance reports.

Non-conformance Reporting Best Practices

To maximize the effectiveness of non-conformance reports, consider the following best practices:

  • Ensure clear and concise documentation of non-conformances
  • Conduct a thorough root cause analysis
  • Develop SMART corrective actions
  • Communicate and engage all stakeholders
  • Regularly monitor and verify the effectiveness of implemented actions


Creating a non-conformance report is an essential process for organizations seeking to maintain a safe and compliant work environment. 

By following the outlined steps and best practices, organizations can effectively address non-conformances, improve workplace safety, and demonstrate their commitment to ISO 45001 standards. So, join ISO 45001 Lead Auditor Training in Saudi Arabia, and make a positive impact in your workplace today.

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